Welcome to the Curious Writer’s Website

Join us, find your voice and write your story

in this warm, safe environment 

Hello. My name is Gail Cunningham. I understand that the act of putting pen to paper is not an easy task. It fills us with doubts about whether our writing will be good enough and worries about how others will perceive us.

I was afraid when I first began writing too. But I took a deep breath and leapt into a group that turned out to provide an environment that was safe, encouraging and confidential.

This way of holding creative space in a workshop is known as the AWA (Amherst Writers and Artists) writing method.  This method allowed me to write, share and feel supported as a writer through feedback

I am now a trained and certified AWA facilitator myself; I also hold a Master’s degree in Education. I will provide for you a safe, confidential, supportive community in which to write.

I invite you to take that leap of faith and writer’s courage and join us. For more information about the workshops I’m offering, please click the button below.